premeditate|premeditated|premeditates|premeditating in English


[pre·med·i·tate || ‚prɪː'medɪteɪt]

plan beforehand, plot ahead of time

Use "premeditate|premeditated|premeditates|premeditating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "premeditate|premeditated|premeditates|premeditating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "premeditate|premeditated|premeditates|premeditating", or refer to the context using the word "premeditate|premeditated|premeditates|premeditating" in the English Dictionary.

1. The murder was premeditated.

2. Premeditated murder carries the death sentence .

3. I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake.

4. The murder wasn't exactly premeditated.

5. The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

6. The killing had not been premeditated.

7. Stafford Baaings her Tagalog assumably, she premeditate it sniffily

8. Is said to be a premeditated event!

9. The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal.

10. I didn't premeditate it thoroughly in front of the reporter.

11. And actually, of this enterprise buythestrategy already" premeditate long already".

12. It was a premeditated aggression against her neighbours.

13. We needed to know whether the crime had been premeditated.

14. The defense claim that the killing was not premeditated.

15. Less forgiving souls would call it a premeditated felony.

16. It appears that we are confronted by premeditated aggression....

17. Or the whole darn lot of them in one ghastly premeditated assault?

18. Calculated: See: aforethought , cold-blooded , deliberate , express , intentional , premeditated , strategic , tactical

19. In a medical book, the psychopath is cold-blooded, premeditated, uncaring, manipulative.

20. Considered: See: deliberate , intentional , judicious , meticulous , premeditated , prospective , solid , sound , tactical

21. Workman called it the most premeditated form of murder there is.

22. The maximum penalty for premeditated murder is death or life imprisonment.

23. In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory.

24. Houston manager Dusty Baker asks MLB to protect Astros from 'premeditated' Beanballs

25. The happiness is a kind of very spoiled thing, it can't premeditate , can't store, can't be make by will.